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Organized by

Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Nepal
Nepal China Friendship Forum


Even though the relationship between China and Nepal dates back from the ancient times, the knowledge of Nepalese students about China is still limited to only a few basics. China has always been very supportive to Nepal on many grounds. However, to further enhance the relationship between the two nations it is very important to make the youths (students) aware about Chinese culture, economy and foreign policy. The knowledge will be beneficial in the days to come when these youngsters become professionals representing various government and private organizations. In this regard, with the aim to make the students aware about Chinese culture, economy and foreign policies, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in coordination with Chinese Government, Nepal China Friendship Forum and several schools and universities introduced the project entitled “Knowing China Better” in 2018. The project was given continuation in 2019. For the University level students, this knowledge is expected to help them discover the scope of trade, business and exchange between the two nations. This will increase and strengthen engagement and co-operation between Nepal and China.

Key Objectives

Teaching Chinese Culture

 To teach Nepalese students about Chinese culture (including their origin and values)

Chinese Economy

To make students understand Chinese economy (their current status, growth pattern and strategies)

Chinese Foreign Policies

 To make students aware about Chinese foreign policies (the policies and procedures, support to Nepal and bilateral relations with Nepal)


This project was executed as a one-day session at the selected educational institutions. The session helped in raising awareness and informing the Nepalese students about the relationship between the two countries. It further supported the students to know more about China and to explore possible ways for future coordination with the neighboring nation.
In the year 2019, the students from the below mentioned institution were the direct beneficiaries:
I. Kathmandu University
II. Tribhuvan University
III. Purbanchal University
IV. Pokhara University
V. Lumbini Buddhist University

The session was conducted in eight colleges under the above mentioned universities. The students from Bachelors and Masters level attended the program and got insights about China from the experts. When students get to explore more about China, they would come up with innovative ideas to further extend trade and other relations with the world's second largest economy. This would help to uplift the economy of Nepal as a whole. The sentiments of the two nations for each other would be even more aligned and gracious. This will not just be fruitful for an individual but for a whole nation.
The visiting schools were the experts in the areas of Chinese culture, economy and foreign policy which included:
I. Dr. Kalyan Raj Sharma, PhD in Economics from Fudan University, President of Nepal China Friendship Forum
II. Mr. Sundar Nath Bhattarai, Former Ambassador of Nepal to China, Chairman of China Study Centre
III. Dr. Sarbottam Shrestha, President of Araniko Society, Chinese Culture Specialist
IV. Prof. Dr. Mohan Pd. Lohani, Head of Central Department, TU


Geographically Nepal and China are neighboring nations, but the relation of a supportive neighbor has been extended by the mutual respect each nation share with each other, the bilateral trade relations and cultural acceptance.

Nepalese students have known China only on a few grounds. The students in Kathmandu are more knowledgeable about China but the students outside aren’t as informed. Nepal shares its eastern, western and southern border with another neighbor India. The people in tarai region specially in the border of India have very little knowledge about China. It is very important for all the Nepali people to be informed about both its closest neighbor.

To further extend the relationship between the two nations, only knowing the basics is not sufficient. Therefore, making students- who are the policy makers for tomorrow, aware about Chinese culture, economy and foreign policy is very important. This project aiming to teach about the aforementioned dimensions helped students know more about China and the relation Nepal and China share with each other.

This session served as a base for them to further identify the scope and opportunities to strengthen relation with China in the future.

Photos of Knowing China Better 2019

Organized by
Start Date: August 2018

Organized by

Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Nepal
Nepal China Friendship Forum


"Knowing China Better" is an educational initiative launched in August 2018 with the aim of enhancing the understanding of Chinese culture, economy, and foreign policies among Nepalese students. The project is a collaborative effort between the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Nepal, the Nepal China Friendship Forum, and several schools and universities in Nepal. While China and Nepal have a longstanding historical relationship, the initiative recognizes the need to deepen the knowledge and awareness of the younger generation about China's multifaceted aspects. Even though China and Nepal share deep-rooted historical and cultural ties, the knowledge of Nepalese students about China is often limited to the basics. Recognizing the vital role that youth plays in shaping the future of diplomatic and economic relations between the two nations, "Knowing China Better" seeks to bridge the gap by equipping students with comprehensive knowledge about China. This knowledge is seen as an investment in the future, as these students are expected to become professionals representing various government and private organizations, contributing to strengthening the relationship between Nepal and China.

Key Objectives

Teaching Chinese Culture

The project aims to provide Nepalese students with insights into Chinese culture, including its rich historical origins, values, traditions, and customs. By understanding the cultural aspects of China, students can foster a deeper appreciation and respect for the heritage of their Chinese neighbors.

Chinese Economy

In an era of globalization, knowledge about China’s economy is essential. The project seeks to educate students about the current status, growth patterns, and strategies of the Chinese economy. This knowledge equips them with a better understanding of China’s economic significance on the global stage and the potential for economic cooperation between Nepal and China.

Chinese Foreign Policies

Understanding China’s foreign policies, procedures, and its support for Nepal is crucial for Nepalese students. The project provides insights into China’s approach to international relations, with a particular focus on its bilateral relations with Nepal. This knowledge enhances students’ awareness of the diplomatic landscape and the importance of maintaining strong ties with China.

Impact and Future Prospects

"Knowing China Better" is expected to have a positive impact on Nepalese students at both the school and university levels. It not only broadens their horizons but also equips them with the knowledge and skills needed for potential future collaborations, trade, and business engagements with China. By nurturing a generation of young professionals with a comprehensive understanding of China, the project aims to foster greater engagement and cooperation between Nepal and its northern neighbor, ultimately contributing to the development and prosperity of both nations and further strengthening the enduring friendship between China and Nepal.